Wednesday, 23 January 2008

Chinese state Circus

Tonight Myself & my Boy's went to see The Chines state Circus.
We all had a lovely time out, even treated ourselves to white chocolate magnums during the interval & flavoured chips on the way home, So Much for the diet, well Sometime I just don't care & want to enjoy things..
I didn't take my camera as normally thought it wouldn't be allowed with it being in a full theatre. I have had the same problem with proper circus's, so tonight others were taking photo's. I had taken my phone, but unfortunately I don't yet have a large memory card in it ( am due to get one this/next week), so also only had it set on 2 meg quality.
Here are 2 that turned out ok though ( most didn't)


scraphappy aka sandy said...

hi tracy
hope your well
we went to this circus twice first in halifax a few years ago and then in rochdale last year iit was fabulous.

scraphappy aka sandy said...

hi tracy
hope your well
we went to this circus twice first in halifax a few years ago and then in rochdale last year iit was fabulous.